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  1import json
  2import re
  3from abc import abstractmethod
  4from datetime import datetime, timezone
  5from functools import partial
  6from typing import Any, Protocol, Sequence
  8import starlette.datastructures
  9from fastapi import Request, Response
 10from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
 11from fastapi.routing import APIRoute
 12from keylimiter import TokenBucketLimiter
 13from substrateinterface import Keypair  # type: ignore
 15from communex._common import get_node_url
 16from communex.module import _signer as signer
 17from communex.module._rate_limiters._stake_limiter import StakeLimiter
 18from communex.module._rate_limiters.limiters import (IpLimiterParams,
 19                                                     StakeLimiterParams)
 20from communex.module._util import (json_error, log, log_reffusal, make_client,
 21                                   try_ss58_decode)
 22from communex.types import Ss58Address
 23from communex.util.memo import TTLDict
 25HEX_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^[0-9a-fA-F]+$")
 28def is_hex_string(string: str):
 29    return bool(HEX_PATTERN.match(string))
 32def parse_hex(hex_str: str) -> bytes:
 33    if hex_str[0:2] == "0x":
 34        return bytes.fromhex(hex_str[2:])
 35    else:
 36        return bytes.fromhex(hex_str)
 39class AbstractVerifier(Protocol):
 40    @abstractmethod
 41    async def verify(self, request: Request) -> JSONResponse | None:
 42        """Please dont mutate the request D:"""
 43        ...
 46class StakeLimiterVerifier(AbstractVerifier):
 47    def __init__(
 48        self,
 49        subnets_whitelist: list[int] | None,
 50        params_: StakeLimiterParams | None,
 51    ):
 52        self.subnets_whitelist = subnets_whitelist
 53        self.params_ = params_
 54        if not self.params_:
 55            params = StakeLimiterParams()
 56        else:
 57            params = self.params_
 58        self.limiter = StakeLimiter(
 59            self.subnets_whitelist,
 60            epoch=params.epoch,
 61            max_cache_age=params.cache_age,
 62            get_refill_rate=params.get_refill_per_epoch,
 63        )
 65    async def verify(self, request: Request):
 67        if request.client is None:
 68            response = JSONResponse(
 69                status_code=401,
 70                content={
 71                    "error": "Address should be present in request"
 72                }
 73            )
 74            return response
 76        key = request.headers.get('x-key')
 77        if not key:
 78            response = JSONResponse(
 79                status_code=401,
 80                content={"error": "Valid X-Key not provided on headers"}
 81            )
 82            return response
 84        is_allowed = await self.limiter.allow(key)
 86        if not is_allowed:
 87            response = JSONResponse(
 88                status_code=429,
 89                headers={"X-RateLimit-TryAfter": f"{str(await self.limiter.retry_after(key))} seconds"},
 90                content={"error": "Rate limit exceeded"}
 91            )
 92            return response
 93        return None
 96class ListVerifier(AbstractVerifier):
 97    def __init__(
 98            self,
 99            blacklist: list[Ss58Address] | None,
100            whitelist: list[Ss58Address] | None,
101            ip_blacklist: list[str] | None,
102    ):
103        self.blacklist = blacklist
104        self.whitelist = whitelist
105        self.ip_blacklist = ip_blacklist
107    async def verify(self, request: Request) -> JSONResponse | None:
108        key = request.headers.get("x-key")
109        if not key:
110            reason = "Missing header: X-Key"
111            log(f"INFO: refusing module request because: {reason}")
112            return json_error(400, "Missing header: X-Key")
114        ss58 = try_ss58_decode(key)
115        if ss58 is None:
116            reason = "Caller key could not be decoded into a ss58address"
117            log_reffusal(key, reason)
118            return json_error(400, reason)
119        if request.client is None:
120            return json_error(400, "Address should be present in request")
121        if self.blacklist and ss58 in self.blacklist:
122            return json_error(403, "You are blacklisted")
123        if self.ip_blacklist and request.client.host in self.ip_blacklist:
124            return json_error(403, "Your IP is blacklisted")
125        if self.whitelist and ss58 not in self.whitelist:
126            return json_error(403, "You are not whitelisted")
127        return None
130class IpLimiterVerifier(AbstractVerifier):
131    def __init__(
132            self,
133            params: IpLimiterParams | None,
134    ):
135        '''
136        :param limiter: KeyLimiter instance OR None
138        If limiter is None, then a default TokenBucketLimiter is used with the following config:
139        bucket_size=200, refill_rate=15
140        '''
142        # fallback to default limiter
143        if not params:
144            params = IpLimiterParams()
145        self._limiter = TokenBucketLimiter(
146            bucket_size=params.bucket_size,
147            refill_rate=params.refill_rate
148        )
150    async def verify(self, request: Request):
151        assert request.client is not None, "request is invalid"
152        assert request.client.host, "request is invalid."
154        ip = request.client.host
156        is_allowed = self._limiter.allow(ip)
158        if not is_allowed:
159            response = JSONResponse(
160                status_code=429,
161                headers={"X-RateLimit-Remaining": str(self._limiter.remaining(ip))},
162                content={"error": "Rate limit exceeded"}
163            )
164            return response
165        return None
168class InputHandlerVerifier(AbstractVerifier):
169    def __init__(
170        self,
171        subnets_whitelist: list[int] | None,
172        module_key: Ss58Address,
173        request_staleness: int,
174        blockchain_cache: TTLDict[str, list[Ss58Address]],
175        host_key: Keypair,
176        use_testnet: bool,
177    ):
178        self.subnets_whitelist = subnets_whitelist
179        self.module_key = module_key
180        self.request_staleness = request_staleness
181        self.blockchain_cache = blockchain_cache
182        self.host_key = host_key
183        self.use_testnet = use_testnet
185    async def verify(self, request: Request):
186        body = await request.body()
188        # TODO: we'll replace this by a Result ADT :)
189        match self._check_inputs(request, body, self.module_key):
190            case (False, error):
191                return error
192            case (True, _):
193                pass
195        body_dict: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = json.loads(body)
196        timestamp = body_dict['params'].get("timestamp", None)
197        legacy_timestamp = request.headers.get("X-Timestamp", None)
198        try:
199            timestamp_to_use = timestamp if not legacy_timestamp else legacy_timestamp
200            request_time = datetime.fromisoformat(timestamp_to_use)
201        except Exception:
202            return JSONResponse(status_code=400, content={"error": "Invalid ISO timestamp given"})
203        if (datetime.now(timezone.utc) - request_time).total_seconds() > self.request_staleness:
204            return JSONResponse(status_code=400, content={"error": "Request is too stale"})
205        return None
207    def _check_inputs(
208        self, request: Request,
209        body: bytes,
210        module_key: Ss58Address
211    ):
212        required_headers = ["x-signature", "x-key", "x-crypto"]
213        optional_headers = ["x-timestamp"]
215        # TODO: we'll replace this by a Result ADT :)
216        match self._get_headers_dict(request.headers, required_headers, optional_headers):
217            case (False, error):
218                return (False, error)
219            case (True, headers_dict):
220                pass
222        # TODO: we'll replace this by a Result ADT :)
223        match self._check_signature(headers_dict, body, module_key):
224            case (False, error):
225                return (False, error)
226            case (True, _):
227                pass
229        # TODO: we'll replace this by a Result ADT :)
230        match self._check_key_registered(
231            self.subnets_whitelist,
232            headers_dict,
233            self.blockchain_cache,
234            self.host_key,
235            self.use_testnet,
236        ):
237            case (False, error):
238                return (False, error)
239            case (True, _):
240                pass
242        return (True, None)
244    def _get_headers_dict(
245        self,
246        headers: starlette.datastructures.Headers,
247        required: list[str],
248        optional: list[str],
249    ):
250        headers_dict: dict[str, str] = {}
251        for required_header in required:
252            value = headers.get(required_header)
253            if not value:
254                code = 400
255                return False, json_error(code, f"Missing header: {required_header}")
256            headers_dict[required_header] = value
257        for optional_header in optional:
258            value = headers.get(optional_header)
259            if value:
260                headers_dict[optional_header] = value
262        return True, headers_dict
264    def _check_signature(
265        self,
266        headers_dict: dict[str, str],
267        body: bytes,
268        module_key: Ss58Address
269    ):
270        key = headers_dict["x-key"]
271        signature = headers_dict["x-signature"]
272        crypto = int(headers_dict["x-crypto"])  # TODO: better handling of this
274        if not is_hex_string(key):
275            reason = "X-Key should be a hex value"
276            log_reffusal(key, reason)
277            return (False, json_error(400, reason))
278        try:
279            signature = parse_hex(signature)
280        except Exception:
281            reason = "Signature sent is not a valid hex value"
282            log_reffusal(key, reason)
283            return False, json_error(400, reason)
284        try:
285            key = parse_hex(key)
286        except Exception:
287            reason = "Key sent is not a valid hex value"
288            log_reffusal(key, reason)
289            return False, json_error(400, reason)
290        # decodes the key for better logging
291        key_ss58 = try_ss58_decode(key)
292        if key_ss58 is None:
293            reason = "Caller key could not be decoded into a ss58address"
294            log_reffusal(key.decode(), reason)
295            return (False, json_error(400, reason))
297        timestamp = headers_dict.get("x-timestamp")
298        legacy_verified = False
299        if timestamp:
300            # tries to do a legacy verification
301            json_body = json.loads(body)
302            json_body["timestamp"] = timestamp
303            stamped_body = json.dumps(json_body).encode()
304            legacy_verified = signer.verify(key, crypto, stamped_body, signature)
306        verified = signer.verify(key, crypto, body, signature)
307        if not verified and not legacy_verified:
308            reason = "Signature doesn't match"
309            log_reffusal(key_ss58, reason)
310            return (False, json_error(401, "Signatures doesn't match"))
312        body_dict: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = json.loads(body)
313        target_key = body_dict['params'].get("target_key", None)
314        if not target_key or target_key != module_key:
315            reason = "Wrong target_key in body"
316            log_reffusal(key_ss58, reason)
317            return (False, json_error(401, "Wrong target_key in body"))
319        return (True, None)
321    def _check_key_registered(
322        self,
323        subnets_whitelist: list[int] | None,
324        headers_dict: dict[str, str],
325        blockchain_cache: TTLDict[str, list[Ss58Address]],
326        host_key: Keypair,
327        use_testnet: bool,
328    ):
329        key = headers_dict["x-key"]
330        if not is_hex_string(key):
331            return (False, json_error(400, "X-Key should be a hex value"))
332        key = parse_hex(key)
334        # TODO: checking for key being registered should be smarter
335        # e.g. query and store all registered modules periodically.
337        ss58 = try_ss58_decode(key)
338        if ss58 is None:
339            reason = "Caller key could not be decoded into a ss58address"
340            log_reffusal(key.decode(), reason)
341            return (False, json_error(400, reason))
343        # If subnets whitelist is specified, checks if key is registered in one
344        # of the given subnets
346        allowed_subnets: dict[int, bool] = {}
347        caller_subnets: list[int] = []
348        if subnets_whitelist is not None:
349            def query_keys(subnet: int):
350                try:
351                    node_url = get_node_url(None, use_testnet=use_testnet)
352                    client = make_client(node_url)  # TODO: get client from outer context
353                    return [*client.query_map_key(subnet).values()]
354                except Exception:
355                    log(
356                        "WARNING: Could not connect to a blockchain node"
357                    )
358                    return_list: list[Ss58Address] = []
359                    return return_list
361            # TODO: client pool for entire module server
363            got_keys = False
364            no_keys_reason = (
365                "Miner could not connect to a blockchain node "
366                "or there is no key registered on the subnet(s) {} "
367            )
368            for subnet in subnets_whitelist:
369                get_keys_on_subnet = partial(query_keys, subnet)
370                cache_key = f"keys_on_subnet_{subnet}"
371                keys_on_subnet = blockchain_cache.get_or_insert_lazy(
372                    cache_key, get_keys_on_subnet
373                )
374                if len(keys_on_subnet) == 0:
375                    reason = no_keys_reason.format(subnet)
376                    log(f"WARNING: {reason}")
377                else:
378                    got_keys = True
379                if host_key.ss58_address not in keys_on_subnet:
380                    log(
381                        f"WARNING: This miner is deregistered on subnet {subnet}"
382                    )
383                else:
384                    allowed_subnets[subnet] = True
385                if ss58 in keys_on_subnet:
386                    caller_subnets.append(subnet)
387            if not got_keys:
388                return False, json_error(503, no_keys_reason.format(subnets_whitelist))
389            if not allowed_subnets:
390                log("WARNING: Miner is not registered on any subnet")
391                return False, json_error(403, "Miner is not registered on any subnet")
393            # searches for a common subnet between caller and miner
394            # TODO: use sets
395            allowed_subnets = {
396                subnet: allowed for subnet, allowed in allowed_subnets.items() if (
397                    subnet in caller_subnets
398                )
399            }
400            if not allowed_subnets:
401                reason = "Caller key is not registered in any subnet that the miner is"
402                log_reffusal(ss58, reason)
403                return False, json_error(
404                    403, reason
405                )
406        else:
407            # accepts everything
408            pass
410        return (True, None)
413def build_route_class(
414    verifiers: Sequence[AbstractVerifier]
415) -> type[APIRoute]:
417    class CheckListsRoute(APIRoute):
418        def get_route_handler(self):
419            original_route_handler = super().get_route_handler()
421            async def custom_route_handler(request: Request) -> Response | JSONResponse:
422                if not request.url.path.startswith('/method'):
423                    unhandled_response: Response = await original_route_handler(request)
424                    return unhandled_response
425                for verifier in verifiers:
426                    response = await verifier.verify(request)
427                    if response is not None:
428                        return response
430                original_response: Response = await original_route_handler(request)
431                return original_response
433            return custom_route_handler
435    return CheckListsRoute
HEX_PATTERN = re.compile('^[0-9a-fA-F]+$')
def is_hex_string(string: str):
29def is_hex_string(string: str):
30    return bool(HEX_PATTERN.match(string))
def parse_hex(hex_str: str) -> bytes:
33def parse_hex(hex_str: str) -> bytes:
34    if hex_str[0:2] == "0x":
35        return bytes.fromhex(hex_str[2:])
36    else:
37        return bytes.fromhex(hex_str)
class AbstractVerifier(typing.Protocol):
40class AbstractVerifier(Protocol):
41    @abstractmethod
42    async def verify(self, request: Request) -> JSONResponse | None:
43        """Please dont mutate the request D:"""
44        ...

Base class for protocol classes.

Protocol classes are defined as::

class Proto(Protocol):
    def meth(self) -> int:

Such classes are primarily used with static type checkers that recognize structural subtyping (static duck-typing).

For example::

class C:
    def meth(self) -> int:
        return 0

def func(x: Proto) -> int:
    return x.meth()

func(C())  # Passes static type check

See PEP 544 for details. Protocol classes decorated with @typing.runtime_checkable act as simple-minded runtime protocols that check only the presence of given attributes, ignoring their type signatures. Protocol classes can be generic, they are defined as::

class GenProto(Protocol[T]):
    def meth(self) -> T:
async def verify( self, request: starlette.requests.Request) -> starlette.responses.JSONResponse | None:
41    @abstractmethod
42    async def verify(self, request: Request) -> JSONResponse | None:
43        """Please dont mutate the request D:"""
44        ...

Please dont mutate the request D:

class StakeLimiterVerifier(AbstractVerifier):
47class StakeLimiterVerifier(AbstractVerifier):
48    def __init__(
49        self,
50        subnets_whitelist: list[int] | None,
51        params_: StakeLimiterParams | None,
52    ):
53        self.subnets_whitelist = subnets_whitelist
54        self.params_ = params_
55        if not self.params_:
56            params = StakeLimiterParams()
57        else:
58            params = self.params_
59        self.limiter = StakeLimiter(
60            self.subnets_whitelist,
61            epoch=params.epoch,
62            max_cache_age=params.cache_age,
63            get_refill_rate=params.get_refill_per_epoch,
64        )
66    async def verify(self, request: Request):
68        if request.client is None:
69            response = JSONResponse(
70                status_code=401,
71                content={
72                    "error": "Address should be present in request"
73                }
74            )
75            return response
77        key = request.headers.get('x-key')
78        if not key:
79            response = JSONResponse(
80                status_code=401,
81                content={"error": "Valid X-Key not provided on headers"}
82            )
83            return response
85        is_allowed = await self.limiter.allow(key)
87        if not is_allowed:
88            response = JSONResponse(
89                status_code=429,
90                headers={"X-RateLimit-TryAfter": f"{str(await self.limiter.retry_after(key))} seconds"},
91                content={"error": "Rate limit exceeded"}
92            )
93            return response
94        return None

Base class for protocol classes.

Protocol classes are defined as::

class Proto(Protocol):
    def meth(self) -> int:

Such classes are primarily used with static type checkers that recognize structural subtyping (static duck-typing).

For example::

class C:
    def meth(self) -> int:
        return 0

def func(x: Proto) -> int:
    return x.meth()

func(C())  # Passes static type check

See PEP 544 for details. Protocol classes decorated with @typing.runtime_checkable act as simple-minded runtime protocols that check only the presence of given attributes, ignoring their type signatures. Protocol classes can be generic, they are defined as::

class GenProto(Protocol[T]):
    def meth(self) -> T:
StakeLimiterVerifier( subnets_whitelist: list[int] | None, params_: communex.module._rate_limiters.limiters.StakeLimiterParams | None)
48    def __init__(
49        self,
50        subnets_whitelist: list[int] | None,
51        params_: StakeLimiterParams | None,
52    ):
53        self.subnets_whitelist = subnets_whitelist
54        self.params_ = params_
55        if not self.params_:
56            params = StakeLimiterParams()
57        else:
58            params = self.params_
59        self.limiter = StakeLimiter(
60            self.subnets_whitelist,
61            epoch=params.epoch,
62            max_cache_age=params.cache_age,
63            get_refill_rate=params.get_refill_per_epoch,
64        )
async def verify(self, request: starlette.requests.Request):
66    async def verify(self, request: Request):
68        if request.client is None:
69            response = JSONResponse(
70                status_code=401,
71                content={
72                    "error": "Address should be present in request"
73                }
74            )
75            return response
77        key = request.headers.get('x-key')
78        if not key:
79            response = JSONResponse(
80                status_code=401,
81                content={"error": "Valid X-Key not provided on headers"}
82            )
83            return response
85        is_allowed = await self.limiter.allow(key)
87        if not is_allowed:
88            response = JSONResponse(
89                status_code=429,
90                headers={"X-RateLimit-TryAfter": f"{str(await self.limiter.retry_after(key))} seconds"},
91                content={"error": "Rate limit exceeded"}
92            )
93            return response
94        return None

Please dont mutate the request D:

class ListVerifier(AbstractVerifier):
 97class ListVerifier(AbstractVerifier):
 98    def __init__(
 99            self,
100            blacklist: list[Ss58Address] | None,
101            whitelist: list[Ss58Address] | None,
102            ip_blacklist: list[str] | None,
103    ):
104        self.blacklist = blacklist
105        self.whitelist = whitelist
106        self.ip_blacklist = ip_blacklist
108    async def verify(self, request: Request) -> JSONResponse | None:
109        key = request.headers.get("x-key")
110        if not key:
111            reason = "Missing header: X-Key"
112            log(f"INFO: refusing module request because: {reason}")
113            return json_error(400, "Missing header: X-Key")
115        ss58 = try_ss58_decode(key)
116        if ss58 is None:
117            reason = "Caller key could not be decoded into a ss58address"
118            log_reffusal(key, reason)
119            return json_error(400, reason)
120        if request.client is None:
121            return json_error(400, "Address should be present in request")
122        if self.blacklist and ss58 in self.blacklist:
123            return json_error(403, "You are blacklisted")
124        if self.ip_blacklist and request.client.host in self.ip_blacklist:
125            return json_error(403, "Your IP is blacklisted")
126        if self.whitelist and ss58 not in self.whitelist:
127            return json_error(403, "You are not whitelisted")
128        return None

Base class for protocol classes.

Protocol classes are defined as::

class Proto(Protocol):
    def meth(self) -> int:

Such classes are primarily used with static type checkers that recognize structural subtyping (static duck-typing).

For example::

class C:
    def meth(self) -> int:
        return 0

def func(x: Proto) -> int:
    return x.meth()

func(C())  # Passes static type check

See PEP 544 for details. Protocol classes decorated with @typing.runtime_checkable act as simple-minded runtime protocols that check only the presence of given attributes, ignoring their type signatures. Protocol classes can be generic, they are defined as::

class GenProto(Protocol[T]):
    def meth(self) -> T:
ListVerifier( blacklist: list[communex.types.Ss58Address] | None, whitelist: list[communex.types.Ss58Address] | None, ip_blacklist: list[str] | None)
 98    def __init__(
 99            self,
100            blacklist: list[Ss58Address] | None,
101            whitelist: list[Ss58Address] | None,
102            ip_blacklist: list[str] | None,
103    ):
104        self.blacklist = blacklist
105        self.whitelist = whitelist
106        self.ip_blacklist = ip_blacklist
async def verify( self, request: starlette.requests.Request) -> starlette.responses.JSONResponse | None:
108    async def verify(self, request: Request) -> JSONResponse | None:
109        key = request.headers.get("x-key")
110        if not key:
111            reason = "Missing header: X-Key"
112            log(f"INFO: refusing module request because: {reason}")
113            return json_error(400, "Missing header: X-Key")
115        ss58 = try_ss58_decode(key)
116        if ss58 is None:
117            reason = "Caller key could not be decoded into a ss58address"
118            log_reffusal(key, reason)
119            return json_error(400, reason)
120        if request.client is None:
121            return json_error(400, "Address should be present in request")
122        if self.blacklist and ss58 in self.blacklist:
123            return json_error(403, "You are blacklisted")
124        if self.ip_blacklist and request.client.host in self.ip_blacklist:
125            return json_error(403, "Your IP is blacklisted")
126        if self.whitelist and ss58 not in self.whitelist:
127            return json_error(403, "You are not whitelisted")
128        return None

Please dont mutate the request D:

class IpLimiterVerifier(AbstractVerifier):
131class IpLimiterVerifier(AbstractVerifier):
132    def __init__(
133            self,
134            params: IpLimiterParams | None,
135    ):
136        '''
137        :param limiter: KeyLimiter instance OR None
139        If limiter is None, then a default TokenBucketLimiter is used with the following config:
140        bucket_size=200, refill_rate=15
141        '''
143        # fallback to default limiter
144        if not params:
145            params = IpLimiterParams()
146        self._limiter = TokenBucketLimiter(
147            bucket_size=params.bucket_size,
148            refill_rate=params.refill_rate
149        )
151    async def verify(self, request: Request):
152        assert request.client is not None, "request is invalid"
153        assert request.client.host, "request is invalid."
155        ip = request.client.host
157        is_allowed = self._limiter.allow(ip)
159        if not is_allowed:
160            response = JSONResponse(
161                status_code=429,
162                headers={"X-RateLimit-Remaining": str(self._limiter.remaining(ip))},
163                content={"error": "Rate limit exceeded"}
164            )
165            return response
166        return None

Base class for protocol classes.

Protocol classes are defined as::

class Proto(Protocol):
    def meth(self) -> int:

Such classes are primarily used with static type checkers that recognize structural subtyping (static duck-typing).

For example::

class C:
    def meth(self) -> int:
        return 0

def func(x: Proto) -> int:
    return x.meth()

func(C())  # Passes static type check

See PEP 544 for details. Protocol classes decorated with @typing.runtime_checkable act as simple-minded runtime protocols that check only the presence of given attributes, ignoring their type signatures. Protocol classes can be generic, they are defined as::

class GenProto(Protocol[T]):
    def meth(self) -> T:
IpLimiterVerifier( params: communex.module._rate_limiters.limiters.IpLimiterParams | None)
132    def __init__(
133            self,
134            params: IpLimiterParams | None,
135    ):
136        '''
137        :param limiter: KeyLimiter instance OR None
139        If limiter is None, then a default TokenBucketLimiter is used with the following config:
140        bucket_size=200, refill_rate=15
141        '''
143        # fallback to default limiter
144        if not params:
145            params = IpLimiterParams()
146        self._limiter = TokenBucketLimiter(
147            bucket_size=params.bucket_size,
148            refill_rate=params.refill_rate
149        )
  • limiter: KeyLimiter instance OR None

If limiter is None, then a default TokenBucketLimiter is used with the following config: bucket_size=200, refill_rate=15

async def verify(self, request: starlette.requests.Request):
151    async def verify(self, request: Request):
152        assert request.client is not None, "request is invalid"
153        assert request.client.host, "request is invalid."
155        ip = request.client.host
157        is_allowed = self._limiter.allow(ip)
159        if not is_allowed:
160            response = JSONResponse(
161                status_code=429,
162                headers={"X-RateLimit-Remaining": str(self._limiter.remaining(ip))},
163                content={"error": "Rate limit exceeded"}
164            )
165            return response
166        return None

Please dont mutate the request D:

class InputHandlerVerifier(AbstractVerifier):
169class InputHandlerVerifier(AbstractVerifier):
170    def __init__(
171        self,
172        subnets_whitelist: list[int] | None,
173        module_key: Ss58Address,
174        request_staleness: int,
175        blockchain_cache: TTLDict[str, list[Ss58Address]],
176        host_key: Keypair,
177        use_testnet: bool,
178    ):
179        self.subnets_whitelist = subnets_whitelist
180        self.module_key = module_key
181        self.request_staleness = request_staleness
182        self.blockchain_cache = blockchain_cache
183        self.host_key = host_key
184        self.use_testnet = use_testnet
186    async def verify(self, request: Request):
187        body = await request.body()
189        # TODO: we'll replace this by a Result ADT :)
190        match self._check_inputs(request, body, self.module_key):
191            case (False, error):
192                return error
193            case (True, _):
194                pass
196        body_dict: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = json.loads(body)
197        timestamp = body_dict['params'].get("timestamp", None)
198        legacy_timestamp = request.headers.get("X-Timestamp", None)
199        try:
200            timestamp_to_use = timestamp if not legacy_timestamp else legacy_timestamp
201            request_time = datetime.fromisoformat(timestamp_to_use)
202        except Exception:
203            return JSONResponse(status_code=400, content={"error": "Invalid ISO timestamp given"})
204        if (datetime.now(timezone.utc) - request_time).total_seconds() > self.request_staleness:
205            return JSONResponse(status_code=400, content={"error": "Request is too stale"})
206        return None
208    def _check_inputs(
209        self, request: Request,
210        body: bytes,
211        module_key: Ss58Address
212    ):
213        required_headers = ["x-signature", "x-key", "x-crypto"]
214        optional_headers = ["x-timestamp"]
216        # TODO: we'll replace this by a Result ADT :)
217        match self._get_headers_dict(request.headers, required_headers, optional_headers):
218            case (False, error):
219                return (False, error)
220            case (True, headers_dict):
221                pass
223        # TODO: we'll replace this by a Result ADT :)
224        match self._check_signature(headers_dict, body, module_key):
225            case (False, error):
226                return (False, error)
227            case (True, _):
228                pass
230        # TODO: we'll replace this by a Result ADT :)
231        match self._check_key_registered(
232            self.subnets_whitelist,
233            headers_dict,
234            self.blockchain_cache,
235            self.host_key,
236            self.use_testnet,
237        ):
238            case (False, error):
239                return (False, error)
240            case (True, _):
241                pass
243        return (True, None)
245    def _get_headers_dict(
246        self,
247        headers: starlette.datastructures.Headers,
248        required: list[str],
249        optional: list[str],
250    ):
251        headers_dict: dict[str, str] = {}
252        for required_header in required:
253            value = headers.get(required_header)
254            if not value:
255                code = 400
256                return False, json_error(code, f"Missing header: {required_header}")
257            headers_dict[required_header] = value
258        for optional_header in optional:
259            value = headers.get(optional_header)
260            if value:
261                headers_dict[optional_header] = value
263        return True, headers_dict
265    def _check_signature(
266        self,
267        headers_dict: dict[str, str],
268        body: bytes,
269        module_key: Ss58Address
270    ):
271        key = headers_dict["x-key"]
272        signature = headers_dict["x-signature"]
273        crypto = int(headers_dict["x-crypto"])  # TODO: better handling of this
275        if not is_hex_string(key):
276            reason = "X-Key should be a hex value"
277            log_reffusal(key, reason)
278            return (False, json_error(400, reason))
279        try:
280            signature = parse_hex(signature)
281        except Exception:
282            reason = "Signature sent is not a valid hex value"
283            log_reffusal(key, reason)
284            return False, json_error(400, reason)
285        try:
286            key = parse_hex(key)
287        except Exception:
288            reason = "Key sent is not a valid hex value"
289            log_reffusal(key, reason)
290            return False, json_error(400, reason)
291        # decodes the key for better logging
292        key_ss58 = try_ss58_decode(key)
293        if key_ss58 is None:
294            reason = "Caller key could not be decoded into a ss58address"
295            log_reffusal(key.decode(), reason)
296            return (False, json_error(400, reason))
298        timestamp = headers_dict.get("x-timestamp")
299        legacy_verified = False
300        if timestamp:
301            # tries to do a legacy verification
302            json_body = json.loads(body)
303            json_body["timestamp"] = timestamp
304            stamped_body = json.dumps(json_body).encode()
305            legacy_verified = signer.verify(key, crypto, stamped_body, signature)
307        verified = signer.verify(key, crypto, body, signature)
308        if not verified and not legacy_verified:
309            reason = "Signature doesn't match"
310            log_reffusal(key_ss58, reason)
311            return (False, json_error(401, "Signatures doesn't match"))
313        body_dict: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = json.loads(body)
314        target_key = body_dict['params'].get("target_key", None)
315        if not target_key or target_key != module_key:
316            reason = "Wrong target_key in body"
317            log_reffusal(key_ss58, reason)
318            return (False, json_error(401, "Wrong target_key in body"))
320        return (True, None)
322    def _check_key_registered(
323        self,
324        subnets_whitelist: list[int] | None,
325        headers_dict: dict[str, str],
326        blockchain_cache: TTLDict[str, list[Ss58Address]],
327        host_key: Keypair,
328        use_testnet: bool,
329    ):
330        key = headers_dict["x-key"]
331        if not is_hex_string(key):
332            return (False, json_error(400, "X-Key should be a hex value"))
333        key = parse_hex(key)
335        # TODO: checking for key being registered should be smarter
336        # e.g. query and store all registered modules periodically.
338        ss58 = try_ss58_decode(key)
339        if ss58 is None:
340            reason = "Caller key could not be decoded into a ss58address"
341            log_reffusal(key.decode(), reason)
342            return (False, json_error(400, reason))
344        # If subnets whitelist is specified, checks if key is registered in one
345        # of the given subnets
347        allowed_subnets: dict[int, bool] = {}
348        caller_subnets: list[int] = []
349        if subnets_whitelist is not None:
350            def query_keys(subnet: int):
351                try:
352                    node_url = get_node_url(None, use_testnet=use_testnet)
353                    client = make_client(node_url)  # TODO: get client from outer context
354                    return [*client.query_map_key(subnet).values()]
355                except Exception:
356                    log(
357                        "WARNING: Could not connect to a blockchain node"
358                    )
359                    return_list: list[Ss58Address] = []
360                    return return_list
362            # TODO: client pool for entire module server
364            got_keys = False
365            no_keys_reason = (
366                "Miner could not connect to a blockchain node "
367                "or there is no key registered on the subnet(s) {} "
368            )
369            for subnet in subnets_whitelist:
370                get_keys_on_subnet = partial(query_keys, subnet)
371                cache_key = f"keys_on_subnet_{subnet}"
372                keys_on_subnet = blockchain_cache.get_or_insert_lazy(
373                    cache_key, get_keys_on_subnet
374                )
375                if len(keys_on_subnet) == 0:
376                    reason = no_keys_reason.format(subnet)
377                    log(f"WARNING: {reason}")
378                else:
379                    got_keys = True
380                if host_key.ss58_address not in keys_on_subnet:
381                    log(
382                        f"WARNING: This miner is deregistered on subnet {subnet}"
383                    )
384                else:
385                    allowed_subnets[subnet] = True
386                if ss58 in keys_on_subnet:
387                    caller_subnets.append(subnet)
388            if not got_keys:
389                return False, json_error(503, no_keys_reason.format(subnets_whitelist))
390            if not allowed_subnets:
391                log("WARNING: Miner is not registered on any subnet")
392                return False, json_error(403, "Miner is not registered on any subnet")
394            # searches for a common subnet between caller and miner
395            # TODO: use sets
396            allowed_subnets = {
397                subnet: allowed for subnet, allowed in allowed_subnets.items() if (
398                    subnet in caller_subnets
399                )
400            }
401            if not allowed_subnets:
402                reason = "Caller key is not registered in any subnet that the miner is"
403                log_reffusal(ss58, reason)
404                return False, json_error(
405                    403, reason
406                )
407        else:
408            # accepts everything
409            pass
411        return (True, None)

Base class for protocol classes.

Protocol classes are defined as::

class Proto(Protocol):
    def meth(self) -> int:

Such classes are primarily used with static type checkers that recognize structural subtyping (static duck-typing).

For example::

class C:
    def meth(self) -> int:
        return 0

def func(x: Proto) -> int:
    return x.meth()

func(C())  # Passes static type check

See PEP 544 for details. Protocol classes decorated with @typing.runtime_checkable act as simple-minded runtime protocols that check only the presence of given attributes, ignoring their type signatures. Protocol classes can be generic, they are defined as::

class GenProto(Protocol[T]):
    def meth(self) -> T:
InputHandlerVerifier( subnets_whitelist: list[int] | None, module_key: communex.types.Ss58Address, request_staleness: int, blockchain_cache: communex.util.memo.TTLDict[str, list[communex.types.Ss58Address]], host_key: substrateinterface.keypair.Keypair, use_testnet: bool)
170    def __init__(
171        self,
172        subnets_whitelist: list[int] | None,
173        module_key: Ss58Address,
174        request_staleness: int,
175        blockchain_cache: TTLDict[str, list[Ss58Address]],
176        host_key: Keypair,
177        use_testnet: bool,
178    ):
179        self.subnets_whitelist = subnets_whitelist
180        self.module_key = module_key
181        self.request_staleness = request_staleness
182        self.blockchain_cache = blockchain_cache
183        self.host_key = host_key
184        self.use_testnet = use_testnet
async def verify(self, request: starlette.requests.Request):
186    async def verify(self, request: Request):
187        body = await request.body()
189        # TODO: we'll replace this by a Result ADT :)
190        match self._check_inputs(request, body, self.module_key):
191            case (False, error):
192                return error
193            case (True, _):
194                pass
196        body_dict: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = json.loads(body)
197        timestamp = body_dict['params'].get("timestamp", None)
198        legacy_timestamp = request.headers.get("X-Timestamp", None)
199        try:
200            timestamp_to_use = timestamp if not legacy_timestamp else legacy_timestamp
201            request_time = datetime.fromisoformat(timestamp_to_use)
202        except Exception:
203            return JSONResponse(status_code=400, content={"error": "Invalid ISO timestamp given"})
204        if (datetime.now(timezone.utc) - request_time).total_seconds() > self.request_staleness:
205            return JSONResponse(status_code=400, content={"error": "Request is too stale"})
206        return None

Please dont mutate the request D:

def build_route_class( verifiers: Sequence[AbstractVerifier]) -> type[fastapi.routing.APIRoute]:
414def build_route_class(
415    verifiers: Sequence[AbstractVerifier]
416) -> type[APIRoute]:
418    class CheckListsRoute(APIRoute):
419        def get_route_handler(self):
420            original_route_handler = super().get_route_handler()
422            async def custom_route_handler(request: Request) -> Response | JSONResponse:
423                if not request.url.path.startswith('/method'):
424                    unhandled_response: Response = await original_route_handler(request)
425                    return unhandled_response
426                for verifier in verifiers:
427                    response = await verifier.verify(request)
428                    if response is not None:
429                        return response
431                original_response: Response = await original_route_handler(request)
432                return original_response
434            return custom_route_handler
436    return CheckListsRoute